We have walked by Jack's Luxury Oyster Bar a million times - it's right around the corner on 2nd Ave at 6th Street - but for whatever reason have never gone in. We finally took the plunge last Wednesday, and it was worth the wait! Very similar in a way to Graffiti in that it was a tiny place with small plates, and yet so different. A seafood-oriented menu (oysters, obviously) with meat, veggies and fabulous desserts as well. We sat at the bar to start and liked it so much we stayed there the whole night to watch everything being made - the sous chef Betsy (who was so nice, and damn good as well) said that they change the menu every few weeks. We would definitely recommend it - we'll be back soon!
PS - did I mention that Jack was from Michigan? He and his wife have 2 other restaurants as well, all within a block of one another - Jewel Bako and Degustation. Has anyone been to any of them?